It was a day much like today.
The air was hot, the breeze was hot, everything was hot. Including me. So when the doctor asked if I wanted to be induced, {hmmm..air conditioning, people waiting on me, and a new baby?} it took no time for me to answer a resounding, "yes, please". You weren't technically due for another seven days, but from all measurements, you were expected to be bigger than average and we wanted to avoid any unnecessary complications.
I remember driving home thinking, finally. Finally we are going to meet our long prayed for, eagerly anticipated, already dearly loved baby. We didn't know if you were a boy or a girl. It didn't really matter, we just wanted to hold you, to feel your weight in our arms and count your fingers and toes. To meet who heaven hand-picked for us.
We were prepared for a long, drawn out labor and delivery, as is expected with a first baby. Much to my surprise and relief, you made your entrance into this world in just three short hours. Three crazy, intense, unnerving hours. And true to prediction you were big, weighing in at 8 lbs. 9 ozs.
And with your first breath, my world turned upside down. Oh, I could {and did} watch you for hours. I watched your tiny chest rise and fall and marveled at the wonder of this new and amazing you. I was completely smitten, as was your dad. Even the nurses commented on how they had never seen such a doting dad. We were even filmed for a promo video for the hospital!
You were our new everything.
Who knew that 13 years later, I would be just as crazy for you as I was back then?? We have had our ups and downs, our trials and joys. But I can honestly say that I never, ever expected to feel so blessed, honored and respected by you. {Your dad has set an amazing example for you to follow} I thought I would have to wait many, many years for this feeling, this kind of relationship.
There is so very much that I love about you. Oh, so very much.
I love that every time I see an American flag I think of you.
I love that you think I should open an Italian restaurant
because you love my cooking just that much.
I love that you are passionate about airplanes and all thing pertaining to flight
and have been since you were two.
I love that you love to read and that your idea of a great afternoon is
sitting side-by-side out on the porch, reading.
I love that you open my car door, push carts, and carry bags without ever being asked.
I love how responsible you are with your money - researching, planning and listing
the pros and cons before making a big purchase.
I love that you will email me from school and ask for a lunch date - just the two of us.
{I will never take it lightly when you choose to spend time with me over your friends!}
I love that you love the Lord and seek to bring Him glory in all you do,
don't ever change that!
But most of all I love your gentle spirit and easy going personality. You are a joy and delight to be with and I am unbelievably proud of you.
I don't know that you will ever understand how proud I am of you until you are a parent yourself.
I know you didn't ask, but if I could give you one piece of advise
for your teen years it would be this:
Hold fast to your ideals when it seems like everyone around you is throwing theirs away.
I love you, Luke and wish you the happiest 13th birthday ever!!!