We're sharing some of our favorite things there today, and because it is the beginning of December, my mind is drawn to all things Christmas. OK- here we go...
To say that I love all things mercury glass is an understatement. And a big one at that. I just love the vintage feel and all the festiveness that it is. And to top it all off, you can find it anywhere now - Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, Ballard Designs, Target...
I just adore these vintage scarves from
Eddie Bauer {they are on my list for Santa!} Aren't they so cozy looking? And on a day like today, when the snow is flying and HIGHS are in the 20's, they look even better!
Would you look at all that fun!! I have a post in the queue dedicated to wrapping packages - it is my all time favorite thing to do and
these little goodies from Paper Jacks just put me over the moon! They are on my wrapping table as we speak, just waiting for me to get my shopping act together.
Oh, look... another of my favorites... ribbon!! And *BONUS*, they are from
Sundance, my favorite catalog - EVER. These lovely spools look like they would take a package from pretty to spectacular in heartbeat.
Apothecary jars are some of my favorite tools to decorate with. After the holidays are all packed up and put back in storage, I intend to make the most amazing hot chocolate bar for anyone needing a little warm up after school or dinner, and these should hold some marshmallows and chocolate nicely, don't you think? You can find these all over as well - from Hobby Lobby to Target to Etsy.

Do you have one of these? It is a recordable book from Hallmark, but I've seen them in several places, even just at the grocery store down the way. Our kids received one from Todd's dad a few years ago and it is, hands down, the first book pulled out of the bin and the one I find all over the house, because someone {even the biggest kiddo} has been listening to it. Papa Bear took the time to not only record the story but pre-wrote it in a silly manner, mixing up all the beginning sounds and the kids get such a kick out of it! What a timeless gift. Might be the perfect gift for anyone serving over seas to hear a little bit of home when they can't yet be there. Or maybe for those grandparents who live waaaay over the river and through the woods. I just love this idea - I'm a huge fan!

Have you tried these? It's
William Sonoma's Winter Forest soap and hand creme. MMMMMMM... they smell great and are a treat around this house. They contain essential oils and smell like the real deal. They are a bit pricey {$30ish}, but worth every penny. The bonus to having such good smelling soap around it that all the kids are anxious to wash up... in the middle of cold and flu season. Score!!

{Sorry for the wonky spacing. I think my computer is tired. And stubborn - it is refusing to let me place that blurry picture in the center of the page!}
And last but not least, are these little gems. They remind me of my dad. They are his favorites. I can find these chocolate orange sticks at the grocery store for just a couple of dollars and they make great stocking stuffers. I highly recommend them! I usually have to hide them because we all love them. They tend to be like Oreos {?}. You can't have just one. These particular ones came from
sweetcandy.com Well, there you have a few of my favorites - hope they give you a few ideas or help you out in some way!