I hope your thanksgiving was wonderful.... I hope you had a turkey, mashed potato, and stuffing hangover. :0) Ours was really lovely and over the long weekend we were fortunate enough to spend time with both sides of the family.
And now it's Monday, and the kids are back in school, and I was all set to pull out the Christmas decorations and then Grace asked if I would hold off so that she could help. {Sorry for the run-on sentence}
Hmmmm.... well, I put away the fall decorations and I've pulled just a few of the Christmas decorations I love most - including a framed print that reads, "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men." I love it! It sits behind my cooktop and I see it no less than 50x/day. I also brought up the metal sign that sits on our hearth. I love this one too, it reads, "Jesus is the Gift." Such a good reminder that we have already been given all we truly need.
So now what? I guess I wait for help from the kids. It may take a few days though. Between homework, scouts, basketball games and Christmas parties {yes, parties already!}, our time is limited.
The kids get so excited to see all the things come out of the boxes that they haven't seen in so long. And they really have become big helpers, hauling bins and tubs up from the basement, helping with electrical cords and lights. I HATE electrical cords of any type. They are my nemesis. I don't know why but I just can't seem to coil them properly or make them neat and tidy. Let me say, you'll never have to ask who put away the electrical gadget - if the cord is a mess, it was me! That is where Todd comes in... he has a special gifting for it. Maybe it is a gene only given to men. Kinda like backing a trailer in a garage or parallel parking. They can just do it.
Once the house is decorated I 'll try to get some pictures up. I love to decorate and make the house feel cozy and smell all good. Until then I'll leave you with a few images of all things Christmas-y that I just love!
Oh, how I love a red door! |
Pretty packages! |
We are so dreaming of a white Christmas this year! Have a great day!! Blessings, {K} |
Kim........Yes, wait for the kids they will make decorating special. I have a 19 year old "kid" living with us! Dillon loves Christmas & before I knew it we had the outside decorated yesterday afternoon. He got on the roof otherwise there would be no lights that high up. It looks wonderful & I love seeing the decorated homes in the neighborhood. Coming home in the dark this time of year gives me that warm feeling that says "welcome home"!