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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ready or Not...

I am getting this post up a bit late
{what's new??}
but wanted to share with you our first-day-of-school photos
give you a little update.

And I also wanted to put this up
so that I could feel as though
I did something for me,
that I love 
and reminds me of my former life. :)

where has the time gone?
How are we headed to 
high school,
middle school,
AND elementary school this year?

Seems like just yesterday we were headed
out to MOPS 
and I was packing diapers and bottles
and double checking to make sure I had matching socks on.
No small feat in those early, sleep deprived days.

And now...
big kids.
And I truly love it.
The older they get, the more I enjoy them.
Yes, we have bumpy days and teary moments,
but by and large, they are becoming wonderful people
who I really like to spend time with.

Speaking of time,
adjusting to being a working mom has been challenging.
I have spent the last 16 years feathering my nest
and making sure home was a 
calm, clean, organized haven to come home to.

These days we leave by 7,
arrive home near 5,
and are out the door again for a 'Back-to-{fill in the blank} night.

I miss my kids,
I miss my cowboy,
I miss long walks with the dog.
I miss my measuring spoons - 
I miss being home.
I could go on and on but I might short out my keyboard
with exhausted tears.

While I desperately miss home,
I love my job.
I walked through the doors the other morning and worship music
 was blaring from the Worship Center,
people were gathering to pray
and peace reigned.
{AND  I get paid to be here??}

And just down the hall are roughly 300
middle schoolers who need to be loved on
and cared for and shown the right way to class.
They need copies of schedules,
and help with jammed lockers,
and maybe a kleenex or two.
{volleyball cuts were made today :( }
They need to know that someone is there to greet them
and say how glad they are to see them.

Bless their hearts,
 they are a mess!
Precious messes
 and I get to love on them 
and help them
 and love on their overwhelmed mamas, too.
{I can relate} 

Well, off to pack lunches and move laundry
 and maybe sneak a moment
or two with the cowboy
before it is time to start the whole thing over again!



  1. Oh Kim I know how difficult it is for you to be a working mom & try to balance everything. In time it will all come together like a well oiled machine & maybe you will look back & say, "piece of cake!" And then maybe not, but you are doing what God wants you too do right now. He opened the doors for this to happen!

    The kids are beautiful & so grown-up. You & that cowboy of yours have done a wonderful job raising them. Someday you will hear God say, "well done my good & faithful servant'!

  2. Awwww such a sweet post! What a blessing you get to work in such an awesome environment! And your kids are just gorgeous. Elementary, Middle, AND Highschool? WOW!! That is incredible. Blessings Mama!

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