Being the wordy girl I am, I thought this would be great fun. After all, I love words! :0) I had no idea how very often this little word would play itself out over and over again this year. I first settled on the word 'abide'. I love that word, and in January 'abide' sounded warm, safe, and cozy.
But something just wasn't quite right. I'd say the word over and over and it just didn't feel right. {Can a word feel right??} So I thought, "maybe I'll choose, 'intentional'." I consider myself an intentional person, that should do, don't you think? Hmmm... still not quite it... something was telling me that I had yet to land on THE word for 2011. What about simple, joyful, purposeful..... nope.
Slowly but surely, the Lord revealed my word for the year. By mid January, I knew. This was not one I had chosen or even considered. But one He had chosen for me, knowing all the twists and turns this year would take. My word for 2011 would be, and still very much is:
Honestly, I am amazed at how many times that little word has made a big impact on me. Let me see if I can give you an example or two of instances throughout this year where 'perspective' has left its mark.
February - I finally {I had been waiting the release for months - it's from one of my favorite bloggers} got my hands on this book and didn't uncurl my tightly wrapped fingers from it for months - yes, its that good!!
My copy is highlighted, dog eared and marked to the hilt. Ann Voskamp is a gifted writer, to say the least, and her perspective has greatly changed mine.
After reading her book, I spent months {and still do} listing the gifts I've been given. There is no better way to make a small life large than to use a microscope and pen to affect life changing surgery. The cost to me? That I pay attention, and nothing more.
Another example: Just the other day, I was out and about looking for a pair of boots for the fall. I found a pair that I just fell in love with {of course!}, and when I looked at the price tag, realized they far exceeded my budget. Which is next to nothing. And then I got upset and all whiny to God about our budget and this really hard financial season we are in and why is there never enough for the fun stuff!?
And then I got home and saw this:
Do you see that??!! This poor man has bottles tied to his feet as make-shift shoes, and here I was, frustrated that I couldn't afford a pair of new boots. And not my only pair of boots, mind you. There are two other pairs in my closet that are just fine. And there are socks in my drawer to keep my feet warm and a car in the garage so that I might drive wherever I need to go, rather than walk.
Perspective. It's a game changer.
Or, how about my last post about my friend, Sara? There are days when it is all I can do to get down the stairs in the morning, or my vision is annoyingly hazy and cloudy and I'm uncertain about my future and what will life be like in 20 years in this body? And I think of Sara, who despite all her many challenges, chose joy. And I stop and give thanks because I am still alive, and married, and raising children, and by the grace of God, I am not allergic to the medications I need to keep me functioning!
Perspective. It's a game changer.
How about you? Any word{s} stand out to you this year? Give me a shout, I'd love to hear your story.
Funny, I have never thought of choosing just one word to be my focus. I guess, if I were to look over this last year, the most important word for me would be:
I've thankfully learned more about praying than anything else and it has been the catalyst for more joy and even heartbreak. Funny, how that is?
This is the first time I have visited you. I found you on Choose Joy: Celebrating Sara.
Very nice writing, especially the part about the poor precious man using water bottles for his feet. It breaks my heart, when we have so many shoes in our closets. Thanks for sharing.
Been meaning to comment, but for some reason life seems to get in the way.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even hesitate in thinking of the word that has had an impact on me....PATIENCE!!
Being a caregiver 24-7 for the past year or so I have learned what that word truly means.
When my man asks for something after I have just sat down, patience. When I help him get dressed & I still have to get my self ready, patience. When nothing taste good to him after I just made him a meal, patience. When we can no longer do things together like we use to & I see our lives change so dramatically...patience. When I see my man become so ill that another visit to the hospital is needed...patience.
More than anything when I cry out to God & ask him why Jack has to suffer so & he is ready to go home....Jesus wraps me in his arms, wipes away the tears & reminds me that we are not going through this alone. He gives me the strength & PATIENCE to get through each day.
The dictionary says that patience is bearing pain or trials without complaining. I try my best not to complain because I love Jack with all my heart & soul & anything I can do to make his life more comfortable is but a small thing. He is my bright & shinning star & through him I have learned....patience.