I do not like to refuel. I'm the girl driving around town with my gas light on, seeing just how far I can go before I need to pull in to the nearest gas stagtion - praying all the while that I don't have to call AAA and admit that I've run out of gas.
You see, buying fuel for my car is just not the same as buying, say, a new scarf, or piece of jewelry, or even a lovely handbag. Never once have I had a girlfriend compliment me on my new tank of gas. It just doesn't happen. But refueling is critical if I'm going to go anywhere.
Here is what I know about myself: I am a girl who will run herself ragged trying to get all the items on my 'to-do' list crossed off for the day. This leaves me empty, without anything to go on. Oh, I'm as pleasant as they come in the pick-up line at school and I can put a smile on my face when I'm out and about. But when I get home, I'm grouchy, impatient and unpleasant.
I have been a mama and a wife long enough to know that a dry well quenches no one's thirst. I will be like that juice box that has had the very last sucked out of it - dry, shriveled up, no good to anyone. If I don't intentionally stop and refuel, I will run my tank dry. Refueling is essential if I'm going to get anywhere.
Do you know what I do to refill my tank? Take a guess.
Ok, I'll tell you.
Bible study.
Mmm hmmm, yep. It's that simple. I find a group or choose a study to do on my own, at home. Truth be told, I'm just a little bit addicted to Bible study, doing two or more at a time. This fall I am co-leading a study with a dear friend of many years. I also have chosen this one to do at home:
It is called 'Choosing Simplicity - Embracing the Benefits of a Simpler Life.' It is a Women of Faith study that I grabbed at my local Christian bookstore. My quiet time consists of lighting a candle {Yankee Candle's Spiced Pumpkin}, a cup of my favorite chai {in my favorite mug that says 'Believe' - fitting, don't you think?} and me and the Lord just spending time together. Oh, sometimes we laugh, most times I cry, but I always walk away from my table refueled and ready for the day. I just need that time in His word to keep a right perspective and strength for whatever may come.
How about you? What are you studying this fall?
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