We watched "The Nativity Story' last night as a family.
Oh, it was a good one
and all the kids were completely engrossed.
Not always the case when there is a Biblical movie on.
I was impressed when the kids knew all of the background
of Caesar and Herod and why Joseph and Mary were
required to travel to Bethlehem.
They had the whole story down pat!
I had this little a-ha! moment
during the part where Mary and Joseph are traveling
to Bethlehem.
Their journey wasn't easy, wasn't comfortable, wasn't all fun and games.
And I realized that even though they were smack dab in the middle of God's will for their life,
things were still hard!
And my soul breathed a great big sigh of relief.
For the last two years we have been in the start up phase of
our beef business and it has been hard.
I mean really hard.
It has challenged our finances, our faith and our senses.
Who starts up a business in this economy??
But, at the same time, Todd and I both feel
we were given the 'Almighty Boot'
out of where he was employed before this
adventure began.
There was no way we would have made this leap
on our own. No way.
We fully believe this is God's will for us.
And it's not easy, not comfortable, not all fun and games.
We serve a mighty, faithful, loving God
who has plans to prosper us, not to harm us.
And in that knowledge
I find peace and comfort.
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