As you can see, I have yet to fix my issues with Photobucket.
This is not their fault - all mine. I just can't seem to find the time or make the time to sit down and get it done.
I need a bit of help from my sweetie, as we just got this computer up and running after a hard drive crash, a printer that died, and a modem blown out by storms.
I'm a bit leery of causing any damage, and that is just what I might do!
We are fully enjoying the last few days of summer here.
The kids start school in about two weeks so we have been trying
to get all those supplies shopped for and squeeze as many pool dates in as we can.
However, the storms keep thwarting us!
We made two attempts to get there today and finally decided to just make a trip to the fabric store instead.
I can't tell you of the utter joy and elation that came from my boys. :0)
Sweet girl is up to all things flipp-y and cart wheel-y.
{Are you watching the Olympics too?}
She will spend a bit of time on the computer checking out gymnastics moves
and then head out in the yard to perfect them.
I think she would be a great gymnast.
Completely flexible and coordinated,
but she doesn't need one more thing to fill her schedule.
{Neither does her mama!}
That big ole 14 year old boy has been running a lot lately,
all in preparation for cross country this fall.
Being as he has just about reached the 6' mark,
you can imagine his stride.
He is a great runner and kicks my fanny every time we head out together.
Little Bit is finished with swim lessons where he earned the title of
MVP Butterflier.
He can kick it in the poollike nobody's business.
This time of year his skin turns the loveliest shade of deep brown, just like his daddy's.
I can hardly keep my hands off of him!
The cowboy is keeping up with keeping up.
We celebrated 18 years of wedded bliss yesterday
with a yummy dinner on the patio of one of our favorite local italian restaurants.
It was so lovely to have uninterrupted conversation
and reminisce on the past.
He gets more amazing with every passing year,
I'm one lucky girl.
As for me,
I head in for eye surgery in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow.
Pray for me??
I am in desperate need of getting a humdinger of a cataract removed.
It has been there forever
{thanks rheumatoid arthritis for 40+ years}
and has completely blocked the vision in my right eye.
I can see colors and some shapes,
but absolutely no detail.
Lord willing, all will go smoothly.
My surgery will take longer than normal as there is much scar tissue to remove and work around
and according to the doc, it's a sticky mess in there.
I am so thrilled to be getting this taken care of and behind me.
It really has been too long.
If you wouldn't mind, I would love if you would send a prayer up for me!