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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Catching Up


 My goodness.

Between the end of school, a hard drive failure, a husband traveling and the beginning of summer, I've had no time to post.  Oh, throw in some email issues with Blogger not recognizing passwords and a whole new redesigned site {Blogger, not mine}, and this not-so-tech-savvy-girl has been a bit overwhelmed.

To say I'm behind in posting photos is a gross understatement.  You see, some pictures are on the cowboy's phone, some are on my camera and coordinating a download to multiple places takes forever!  And boggles my mind.

So, I will give you the briefest of updates and pictures that go back to Christmas.

Yes, Christmas.  Have mercy!  I know, it's so silly to go back that far because who really cares any more, but I promise it will just be the highlights.
Spring Break entertainment at it's finest.  Oh, how they love a good fort!

Valentine love

pretty bird on a summer's eve

warm, sweet start to the day
HUGE snow, huge fun!

Christmas joy

My biggest boys

teacher gifts

THE highlight of my Christmas season - packing shoeboxes to send around the world to the poorest and neediest

Three times a day all activity stops to lay hands on the gifts and pray over them

How I love the work they do!

Well, I think that should do it for now.  Do you feel like we;ve never been apart?  We didn't skip a beat?  Me too!

Blessings to you, sweet friends!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Kim, so glad to see an update. Who cares it was Christmas & Valentine's day!!

    Was the best seeing you & the family at the party. I wish I were closer so I could sit by you & you would tell me your thoughts & I would tell you mine. You bless my heart in so many ways!!

    Have a fun summer!!

